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"Upon Further Review"

2012 Post-Season Week 6 Clips

                TECHNICAL NOTE:  For those not aware, when viewing these videos in the You Tube window, you can adjust the resolution for a sharper view.  Notice in the lower right hand corner of the video player window a setting icon that looks like a gear.  Click on that and you can adjust the setting up to 360p, 480p or even 720p in some cases.  This will give you a sharper image.

                        Poll Results:

                        Last week we featured a play which had a low block that may or may not have been clipping.  58% of you judged the play to be a legal block form the side while the remaining 42% said it was a clipping foul.  Some of those who ruled a foul indicated this is a safety issue and when it is close, we should rule there was a foul    

   KCI ?    This very interesting play featured several issues that have spurred debates among officials.  The first player down on kick coverage was flagged for Kick Catch Interference (KCI).  There is some question about the validity of the signal, but valid or invalid, the Team B player attempting to catch a scrimmage kick beyond the neutral zone must be given an unimpeded opportunity to catch the kick (6-4-1-a).  There has been some discussion about the contact by the Team B player (B13) which may have caused the Team A player to interfere.  If the interference IS THE RESULT OF being blocked  by an opponent, there is no foul for KCI.  (6-4-1-d)  To rule this, the official must judge that there was a block by a Team B player (B13) and that block caused the interference.  If a potential receiver makes a VALID fair catch signal, his unimpeded opportunity extends past any muff he may make of the ball as long as he still has an opportunity to complete the catch.  In this video, the returner (B22) muffed the kick but was still trying to complete the catch when a 2d Team A player (A8) prevented him from doing so.  This would be KCI if the returner made a VALID fair catch signal.  Please view the video and take the poll below. (Please remember to scroll down and click on the DONE button after making your choice.)

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 Flag Football ?    Perhaps A8 thought he was going to a flag football game.  What other reason could there be for his multiple "flags" tucked into the pants? Are these towels larger than 4 " by 12 " (1-4-6-a)?  Should we even care anymore?

Chop Blocks   There are 2 plays here where viewers can decide for themselves if there were chop blocks or not.  In the 1st video, the foul was called by the H on the action by the RT and RG.   The RT went low initially on a defender but the RG was not engaging with the same defender.  The RG appeared to be looking for someone else to block when the defender put a hand on him.  The NCAA Rules Editor has provided guidance indicating a flag for a chop block is not warranted in these type situations.    In the 2d video, the RT appears to be stumbling to get to a defender he had previously engaged when he collides with another defender who has just run past a teammate of the RT.  Is this a chop block?

 "Pick Play" ?    Offensive players are prohibited from initiating contact beyond the neutral zone during a legal forward pass play in which a forward pass crosses the neutral zone if that contact interferes with an eligible Team B player.  The restriction on Team A starts at the snap and exists until pass is touched by a player or an official (7-3-8).  Team A players are responsible to avoid opponents while running their routes.  Observe A6 in this video and you make the call.

 Block Below the Waist  Change of possession pose challenges for officials as many players are changing direction (as are officials) , previously legal blocks are now illegal (i.e. low blocks), and the general chaos that accompanies a possession change.  In this play, it appears B45 blocks below the waist at the A-43.  The H seems to be in a good position to see the block and perhaps he did but judged it not to be a foul for some reason.  Blocking below the waist is illegal after a change of possession (9-1-6).

Illegally Kicking Ball   This may have been a nice play in soccer but it is illegal in football.  (9-4-4)  The foul was behind the neutral zone and the run ended behind the NZ so penalty enforcement would have been 10 yards from the previous spot  (1/2 the distance in this video situation) with down repeated.  Team A would have had 3d and 2 from the B-8 instead of 4th and 23 from the B-29. 


Rom Gilbert / January 16, 2013 (index.html)